I know foam rolling (aka myofascial release) is good for me; I just can’t remember how to do it properly. So I decided to look up some “how to” videos on foam rolling.
If you don’t have a foam roller, get one. You can find them on Amazon.com or retail sports stores or places like Target. I have a travel-size one I can take with me that I got for $12 at REI, and I picked up a bigger one recently at TJ Maxx for $20.
What Made Me Look Up These Videos
My back has been extremely tight lately–probably from all the squats and lunges I’ve been doing in my cross training. I also ran 7 miles on Saturday after taking 30 days off of anything over 3 miles.
This morning, it was hard to sit up and get out of bed, so I started with the back stretches. It hurt, but I felt pretty bendy afterward. Then I did the other foam rolling stretches because I know I need to. Next time, I will go in this order:
- IT Band
- Piriformis
- Calves/Achilles
- Lower Back
Note: I warmed up a little bit by walking on my treadmill for 5 minutes.

I really like the foam rolling videos by Oscar Sanchez, C.S.C.S. Not only does he have you roll up and down, he suggests moving your muscle from side to side. There’s a reason why he called the calf/achilles move the “porcupine stretch.” Feels like you are being stabbed. HOWEVER. I felt like a million bucks after these.
(Looks like he also has some training programs for half marathoners, too, when you view his channel.)
You’ll Probably Cry
Warning: If you have not been using a foam roller or any kind of massage lately, these are going to hurt. I almost cried doing my IT bands. It’s also a good idea to check with your doctor, chiropractor or physical therapist before starting any new exercise routine. I’ve done these before at the PT, but it’s been a looong time, so I needed a refresher and Oscar’s videos were just right.
IT Band
Lower Back
Oh you so right!! I’ve been using mine more on my calves but I should probably do more. The IT band hurts soo bad even though my IT hasn’t bugged me, I do a yoga/pilates stretch sequenc after (almost) every run and it helps immensely with keep me fairly limber. Are you still going to try to run the full at Seattle? I just registered last monday…eeek….exciting but freaky!!!
Yes! My IT band doesn’t hurt…but when I roll it (especially the left one)…ouch! I seriously teared up. I need to take some yoga classes. Just have to find one that is at a time I can manage.
I am, sadly, not running the full. But the plan is to run the half! I hope I can meet up with you before the race! (I know a great spot…I’ll email you.)
Sounds great!!
Ugh…I KNOW I should be doing this…but I am just so defiant LOL
It hurts, I mean, feels so good, though!
It does feel good when done properly, but for the love, keep it on the soft tissues only (says the girl who messed up her back on the foam roller – backbones don’t need any rolling. Duh.). Careful on the back and near the tailbone.