I talk about Metabolic Effect (ME) and Metabolic Prime (MP) a lot. And I’m super excited about Jade Teta’s newest program, Metabolic Renewal, which was designed specifically for women and will be available starting tomorrow. Jade is an integrative physician, author and expert in the realms of fitness, metabolism and self-development. (Read or scroll to the bottom to find out how to get the program and some bonuses being offered!)
Similar to MP, Metabolic Renewal includes a nutrition plan and workout videos (or DVDs if you don’t go the digital route) with the following:
- The 12 Week Body-Sculpting Workout Plan
- Metabolic Renewal Roadmap
- 12 Week Metabolic Meals Plan
- Female Transformation Tracker
In addition, there are two bonuses being offered with Metabolic Renewal:
- 5 Minute Body-Sculpting Burnouts
- 5 Step Female Flat Belly Formula
I’ve been lucky enough to get to know fitness expert Tara Ballard of PrimeLifeFit.com, who works with Metabolic Effect quite a bit, and whose beautiful backside you will see on the cover of the program (she’s also in the videos).
Tara is a distance runner, so she gets us! And she had a hand in helping out with Metabolic Renewal, so I sent her a few questions about the program, and because she’s awesome, she agreed to answer them. Here’s a little sneak peek at the program from Tara!
Q: Thanks for agreeing to answer my questions, Tara. First, how did you get started working with Metabolic Effect?
A: I met Jade Teta and Jill Coleman with ME in 2008 when I was the group exercise coordinator for a local gym. I fell in love with the ME concepts, and started working closely with both Jill and Jade in 2009, and have been great friends with them ever since!
Q: How did Metabolic Renewal come about? Was it your idea? Were you approached by ME?
A: It is definitely not my idea, but one that is near and dear to my heart given that most of my clients are women! Metabolic Renewal is the third in a series of workout and nutrition programs designed by Jade Teta, and marketed by a company called Natural Health Sherpa. I have been fortunate enough to be in each of the three programs. Given my involvement and familiarity with the ME movements and concepts, I was asked to be a part of the three programs.
Q: How long have you been working on Metabolic Renewal?
A: It has been in the works since around the Summer/Fall of 2016. We filmed the workouts in L.A. in November, and Jade and Natural Health Sherpa have been working on the rest of the program, editing, etc. since then.
Q: How will ME Renewal be different from Prime or Aftershock?
A: There are similarities, but the main difference is it is just for women.
Q: It’s just for women. Can you explain how? What makes it for women?
A: Jade has taken his years of expertise of working with women’s hormonal issues at all ages and packaged that into an exercise, nutrition and education program to teach women how to work with their bodies instead of against.
Q: I love that idea. And, the nutrition program…can you give a brief overview of what that might look like?
A: I cannot give specific details on this, but you will learn how to eat right for YOU. It’s not a one size fits all thing!
Q: I can’t wait! Will the program be video-based, PDFs, or something different?
A: It will be available in both digital and hard copy formats.
Q: Can this be used in addition to a distance running schedule? Would it be a good supplement to marathon or half marathon training?
A: I think so. One thing (me included) that runners need to be aware of is over-training with cardio and not training enough with weights. Since the workouts are short (15 to 20 minutes, 3 times per week), it is a nice complement to a running schedule.
Metabolic Renewal is out now and only $37 (a steal!). Go here to learn more.
Thanks so much, Tara!
As always, I will do a review of Metabolic Renewal as I go. If you have questions about Metabolic Effect or Prime, please ask. I’ve been using their methods and ideas for several years. Jade, Jill, Tara and everyone involved in ME are credited with helping me transform my body. I’m not done, though. Bring on Metabolic Renewal!