It’s Friday! I’m sitting at my desk and can see the sun peeking through the morning rain clouds, and the pink buds bursting on the tree in my neighbor’s yard. I can also see all the cars rolling through the stop sign at the intersection. A-holes! Anyway, Fridays are fun and so are random blog posts.

New Shoes
Mr. T got me these sweet Brooks PureConnects for Christmas. I’ve only worn them a few times to go “running” with Karsen. But, last night, I took them on a real run: 3.4 miles. Obviously, they are a minimalist shoe and I’ve been running in a shoes with more support: the Adrenaline. I like them, but I could feel some complaining in my left arch. I don’t normally hear from that arch, so I’m not sure. No habla left arch. My left foot is a complete tight ass and likes to clench up when I run. I have to really think about relaxing that foot and springing through my toes (my left toe doesn’t bend much). I was hoping the flexibility of the Connects would help my left foot take a chill pill. Jury’s still out.
Tummy Update
Thanks for all the comments, support and advice on my last post regarding my weightloss and tummy issues. That is why I love the blogging community–the awesome feedback and sharing of experiences. It helps so much. So funny that I wrote about that yesterday and then I had NO stomach bloating or anything last night (well, just a little after I had a bunch of fruit, but I think that was a fiber thing–what TMI?). So, yeah, no bloating yesterday. The one thing I didn’t have was corn (although there was a little cornstarch in what I made for dinner). I’m going to try no corn or corn products for a week and see how it goes.
I’m thinking about getting a tattoo! Actually, I’ve been thinking about it since 2011. Originally, I thought I’d want to get something that marked my first marathon…like a 26.2, but Mr. T said it might look like prison numbers. Do you think there is anyone out there with a 24601 tat…you know, like a Les Mis super fan?

Do you have a tattoo? How did you decide what to get? If you want, link a pic of your tattoo in the comments. It’s be rad to see what other people decided to get. I am this close (you can’t see me, but I’m holding my thumb and index finger very close together) to going on Pinterest to look for ideas. I just don’t know if I feel passionate enough about anything to have it permanently etched into my skin, you know. But I think they’re so cool! Also, if I did get one, where would I put it? I mean, I think I kind of think I’d want to see it if I’m going to all the trouble to get a tattoo.
I’m almost finished with the third book in the Hunger Games series. I read the first one a while ago, but then put off reading the second one because I knew I’d need a solid couple of days for it. Those things suck you in, man! Also, I can’t read them before I go to sleep. Luckily, stupid Delta screwed up our flights on the way home from Florida and I had the book with me. So I had almost a whole day of reading. (Funny: I was on the second flight from Denver to Seattle, and right behind my husband is a man reading Mockingjay–haha–he seemed kind of embarrassed when I pointed out that we were both reading HG books. “My daughter got me into them,” was his excuse.)
Anyway, I finished Catching Fire in 2 days. I feel like it was even faster than the first book! Mockingjay, in my opinion, was slow for most of the first half of the book, but I’m 3/4 of the way through it now and it seems to be picking up. After this, I will watch the first film so I can be ready when the second one comes out this fall! Did you like the series? I don’t normally get hooked on “trendy” books, but I liked these. Very entertaining. I was hesitant to read them because I read the first Twilight book and hated it. OVERRATED. I hated Twilight so much, that even just typing that word made my insides get hot.
Weighed In
I weighed in this morning at 156.8. So I lost weight. Last week, I was 158-something. I didn’t write it down in MFP because I was pissed. I have recorded today’s weight and will keep tracking calories because, duh, it’s working.
The Hot Salsa Move
You need to do this core workout: It is a bitch, but it works. The Oregon Project Stability Routine, which Runner’s World published recently, is a killer. Specifically the move called, “Hot Salsa.” Dathan Ritzenhein named it that because “…it makes your butt sore the next morning.”

I’ve been working some of the moves in my core routine lately, but yesterday I did the whole routine (except the one that needed a stretchy band because that’s like the one random exercise thing I don’t have). I did the routine twice and it took about 20 minutes. Today, I hurt. Tomorrow, you can hurt, too…courtesy of me giving you this link. You’re welcome.
Well, that’s all the random crap I have for you today. Happy Easter! Try not to eat too much of your kid’s candy, and I’ll try to stay out of the jelly beans.
I liked the books way better than the movie of Hunger Games. Don’t get me wrong I like the movie, but the books rock. I am considering reading them again!
And I almost died when I saw Hugh! Oh what a man!
I have a tattoo of a winged foot on my ankle, it was something I promised myself I would do if I was named ALl-American in college track in 2007 and I was. It was something I thought about for a LONG time. I don’t think they are something you should jump into. Make sure 100% it’s what you want first. I don’t regret mine at all.
Hunger games books are far better than the movies, although I am curious as to how the next 2 movies will go.
I have a few tattoos. My first one I got when I was 14 – it’s a sun and moon combo on the small of my back that my mom drew for me. I like it. It’s simple. When I was 18, I got a lady bug on my hip. It’s small, and has 7 spots because 7 is my favorite number, and the day my mom was born. Apparently I like my mom a lot. 😉 My last tattoo was some Punjabi script around my sun/moon. It’s the only tattoo I sort of regret because it was a phase. I was dating a Punjabi guy, went to India for 5 weeks, fell in love with the culture. The saying isn’t very special to me so yeah, I may end up covering that up with something else later. I *reallY* like tattoo and have plans for a lot. I want to basically get a tattoo for everyone that is special to me – a flamingo for my husband, hummingbird for my MIL, octopus for my Opa, etc. My husband got his first tattoo in Portland (linked post) and it is a saying that means a lot in his family and he’s really happy with it and will be adding some decorative flowers and vines around it eventually. I love love love tattoos and if they weren’t so expensive, I’d have a lot more.
I remember watching a Dr. Oz show with Elisabeth Hasselbeck (who was diagnosed with Celiac) on it and she said that when trying an elimination diet, choose corn first. Then move to wheat, dairy, etc., etc…. You might just be onto something with the corn thing. Good luck.
I’ve been thinking about a tattoo for a long time but can’t figure out what to get either.
I got completely sucked into the Hunger Game series. I liked the first movie and can’t wait for the one in the fall.
Happy Easter!
#1 – Those shoes look awesome! I hope they work out well for you!
#2 – Yes, I have a tribal butterfly tattoo across my lower back. I got it when I was 21 and I don’t regret it. It was something I never thought I would do, and I did. 🙂
#3 – I loved the Hunger Games books! They were great! I wish there were more in the series! The movie wasn’t too bad, but I think they could have made it longer and gotten more details in!
I have the same pair of shoes and my arches didn’t feel right either, i use them for shopping or traveling and love them! They look great too 🙂
A loooong time ago I wrote this post on my blog about my tattoos!
I loved the first HG book and was less impressed as the series went on, but overall they were pretty awesome.
I’ve been thinking about a tatto for a long time too. Soon, maybe this on my back
I love tattoos and if I didn’t work in an office setting, I wouldn’t be afraid to have more (I have 1 on my hip). BUT, I have been mulling over an idea the last 2 years and decided to finally do it. Did the research on finding the right tattoo artist, met with her about my idea, then she told me she wouldn’t do it while I’m pregnant. Drat. So, I’ll wait till just after. I want to do it in my 40th year, so before Feb. WHERE is the tricky one b/c I want to be able to see it but I want to be able to conceal it too. I’m leaning toward my upper, inside arm/bicep but Hubs doesn’t like that & thinks my side or somewhere on my leg is better. I have a few months to think about it so will start drawing fake ones on me for a while to test out different areas 🙂
I have been reading your blog posts, and I really enjoy them. I love tattoos. I have 6.My favorite one is a Kanji symbol that means to run. I am considering getting one on my wrist that I could see for inspiration.
A tattoo! Let me come with you for this! HEH. And I love your PureConnects…and your doggie Bennie…and your face.
Miss ya!
I love Bennie!! Soo adorable!! I go in and out on wanting a Tattoo and am like you on not knowing what I would get. What about some Chinese characters or something…LOL…just kidding…unless you think it sounds cool…its your body and you can do whatever you want. I’m more concerned about the permanence of a tattoo and will it still be cool when I’m 70?? I DESPISE Twilight!!! I’m so glad you dislike it as well since you’re the only other chic I know that didn’t like it. I haven’t read the Hunger Games or seen the movie because I live in a box…but I’m interested in them and if you like the books maybe I will too. I’m reading like 3 books right now so what’s another?!