I want to sign up for a fun race. It’s a 5K and it’s local and you get to run in a kilt! With Mr. T playing the bagpipes and our Scottish genes, it’s perfect! There’s even a 1K run for T Junior!
Whoa, that’s a lot of exclamation points.
Anyway, there’s only one problem. It’s two weeks before my first marathon.
Is this totally dumb?
What if I promise to take it easy and just run for fun? It’s just a really good excuse to wear my pink plaid Running Skirt! C’mon! Pleeeeaaaaase!
That looks like a blast!! I think kilts are hot! I wish my Scott hubby would wear one…..anyways I think you should do it and just be careful and have fun!
I would totally do that… it looks like fun. Chances are you'd be running at least 5 km that weekend anyway, just remember to take it easy.
DO IT! What a great thing to share with Mr. T and T Junior. Just make it a fun run so you don't risk injury and enjoy it. Never miss an opportunity to wear a pink plaid running skirt 🙂
I don't think it's dumb at all, as long as you exercise some discipline. I'm actually racing a 10K next weekend, 2 weeks before my marathon.
I can offer no advice when it comes to running, but I totally believe that you need to follow your gut in life and if it is calling, you may as well go with it and have a blast!! 🙂
I would totally do it! Can you give more info? we want to enter Baby J into his first run soon.
Do it!
Totally do it!!!
Do it! I don't think it is dumb at all! Rock that plaid skirt!
Do it!!! As long as you get your long run in that weekend (which shouldn't be too long, right?) you'll be fine! don't go out to kill the poor 5k though! I think it is awesome!
You gotta do it! It's not dumb if you just run smart. Treat it like a tempo run, aiming for your goal marathon pace. I expect to see a post-race family photo, all in plaid.
Depends what's on your training plan for that day. The deal is that you should be tapering by then – your last long run (20 miles) will be the week before. In theory you should be fine as the goal of taper is to reduce distance but not tempo. Go have fun!
I think its a good plan. Just take it easy.
I think as long as you take it easy, you'll be absolutely fine! It'll actually probably be a good thing to take your mind off of the upcoming marathon. While I was training, things like this were great. That way I didn't get burnt out. Go for it, and take lots of pics 🙂
how fun!! you should definitely do it. and let's be real – you will be running further than 3.1 miles on other days in the 1-2 weeks before the marathon. this race would not interfere at all!
DO it! It looks like fun!! 🙂 Would T Jr. wear a little mini kilt???? 🙂