Protein shake for dinner! Who’s with me?
I hate cooking. Hate’s a strong word, but I strongly dislike cooking, so it’s an accurate way to describe how I feel about it. I don’t think it should take longer to make something than it should take to eat it. It’s just not right!
So that’s why I love my BlendTec and my protein powder. Because when the hate to cook overtakes my will to eat, at least I can turn whey’s way for a fast meal. (And if you drink a smoothie too fast it will punish you with a terrible headache!)
The folks at DailyBurn asked me to share my favorite protein recipes on my blog even though I’ve been an absent blogger. Isn’t that nice?
One recipe I want to share is a fruit dip that I am pretty sure I am the first to invent (probably not, but just let me believe, okay?). The other is a smoothie, which I didn’t invent, but wish I had. I’ve altered it a little over time, though, to make it my own.
Vanilla-Peanut Butter Protein Dip
This dip goes great with apples, and is super easy and fast to make. It’s not good with strawberries, though. Just a heads-up. I’ve also tried using chocolate protein powder to a make it because peanut butter and chocolate. Right? But that was not good times, so don’t waste your prot powder on that! The other thing: Your vanilla protein powder matters. Some powders have thickeners in them and other things that leave a weird taste in your mouth. Choose your powder wisely.
1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt (use whatever fat content you want)
1 thumb* of natural peanut butter
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
Put all the ingredients in a bowl and stir until mixed. It will be thick like frosting (depending on how thick your protein powder is). If you want it creamier, add a little yogurt or a splash of water. Then, eat with apple slices for a healthy and filling snack!
Chocolate Cherry Almond Protein Smoothie**
8-12 ounces liquid (I use water, but almond milk works well, too)
2 heaping scoops chocolate protein powder
A handful of frozen cherries
A fistful of spinach (you can’t taste it)
1 or 2 thumbs* of walnuts (I also used almonds)
1-2 drops of almond extract (careful—too many drops can overpower everything else)
A few chocolate nibs***
1 cup of crushed ice
The thing about smoothies is that the order you put in the ingredients matters. I only know this because I worked at a smoothie place in college. First, put in your liquid (or liquids—water and yogurt or ice cream, what have you), then your powder(s), next your fruit, veggies and nuts, then the ice. It’s actually better to blend everything before you add ice. Just makes your smoothie that much smoother. J
So, put in your water, then your protein powder and extra chocolate (nibs or natural cocoa powder). Next the cherries and walnuts (or almonds). Blend for about 60 seconds. I just use my smoothie setting on the BlendTec. Then, add the spinach and top with the crushed ice. Blend again for 60 seconds or until it’s as smooth as you like it (I just use the smoothie setting on my BlendTec again). Pour into your fave smoothie cup and drink!
There you go, two great ways to get extra protein into your nutrition without cooking!
One last thing: This is not a sponsored post, but DailyBurn did ask me to write it. They’d also like you to check out their Fuel-6 protein page if you’re interested in learning more about their protein powders.
*This is just one of the great tips I learned from Precision Nutrition. Use your thumb as a guide for your fats. Your thumb is the best guide because it’s a serving size that’s in proportion with your own body. My thumb equals about a Tablespoon-sized serving.
**The original recipe is from Precision Nutrition and does not include almond extract (or use almonds). Makes about 24 ounces.
***If you can’t find these, you can order them from Amazon. Otherwise, just sprinkle in some natural cocoa powder.