I only get 60 minutes for lunch. So when I choose to run during that time, I have to make every second count. I’ve been doing this for a couple years now off and on, and I’ve learned a few things…mostly the hard way.
Long pants and shorts. Short-sleeves and long. Rain jacket. Hat and headband. Sunglasses. I learned my lesson on Thursday. The weather report called for rain, so I packed my long tights, a long-sleeve shirt, my hat and my rain jacket. When 11:30 rolled around, it was sunny and warm! I lucked out because I’d thrown a tank in my bag, so I wore that under my rain jacket.
Except I got hot pretty quickly, and had to remove the jacket and tie it around my waist. Unfortunately, my running tights are low-rise and my tank was barely long enough to cover my tummy. I felt all over the place with the jacket swinging around and feeling the breeze on my post-baby belly. Not good. Wish I’d had a pair of capris in my bag, too. You live, you learn. So learn from me. Two sets of clothes. Especially during volatile seasons like spring or fall.
Not on your run. For your work-wear. You will be hot when you get back in the office and not want to put your clothes back on. However, most offices don’t appreciate workers walking around in their undies, so put your first layer on after your run, and as you gradually cool off throughout the day, you can add the top layers of clothing back in.
Okay, so you are not going to be as fresh as a spring meadow after your run, but you don’t have to stink. My trick is baby wipes. These are easy because we buy the ginormous box of them at Costco and I can just grab a pack and toss it in my bag. These are perfect for wiping away all your…ahem…sweaty areas.
(If you’re a woman who is particular about your makeup, you might want to bring face-washing supplies and your makeup bag. I recommend getting a separate set you can just leave in your workout bag. I sort of don’t care because I sit at a computer all day and don’t meet with people much, so I don’t reapply my makeup. And I wear mineral makeup, so it doesn’t clog my pores or melt off or anything.)
To save time, wear your running clothes in the morning under your work clothes. I’ve worn capris under jeans, I wear my running socks, and I sport my sports bra. Nobody’s the wiser. It shaves a couple minutes off my changing time so I have more minutes for running! Just don’t forget to pack undies and socks to change into afterward!
This one is courtesy Mel (Tall Mom): If you can, put your Garmin on the windowsill to search for satellites while you change into your running clothes. Then you won’t be standing out in front of your office waiting, waiting, waiting…
Optional, but highly recommended: Find someone you can run with at lunch. It’s too easy to get sucked into checking your Facebook status and blogging.
Your turn! I’m sure there are lots great tips out there. What do you do?
Love it. I always *want* to be a lunch-time runner, but can never get the logistics down!
A few other things I've learned:1) If you wear a headband/hat, your head & hair are going to be sweaty. Bring a hand towel and towel-dry your hair. Helps SO MUCH.2) I use wipes on my feet – usually they are all sweaty & shoving them back into my flats or sandals is .. not great.3) Pack your bag 'backwards' – put your bra/pants on top, then your shirt, socks, and shoes at the bottom, and your garmin/ipod at the bottom. I have to change in a bathroom stall w/o a ledge and this has helped a TON.
Great tips! I sometimes run right after work, but I have been thinking about doing it at lunch time.
I hadn't thought of baby wipes. I've been using a wet paper towel. Thnaks!
Great tips. I always WANT to run over noon hour but I hate coming back to the office all sweaty. It's too easy to put it off saying I'll do it when I get home after work and then I'm soooo mad because life is too busy at night and I've missed the run all together! What gets you out the door at noon???
I can attest to all of these, though I haven't (yet) tried $4. GENIUS!
Superman! love it! :)I was confused by Marlene's 4 dollars…then I got it. Ohhhhhh.
hmm I don't get the $4 did i miss something? I only get 40 minutes for lunch so not sure I could pull this off?!
so efficient…way to make it happen!
And, double-check your bag for essentials before leaving the house so you don't forget your sports bra like I did today! All of your tips are great – I have employed most of them over the past few years. Sometimes I need a lunch time run just to get through the day.
excellent tips!! I definietly tried to pack a headband or hat for post run…people in my office did not run and heck often didn't take lunch, so I was always trying to be a little sneaky about it cause i needed that time!
such excellent tips…thanks. i don't run during lunch, but, i run during limited times, so this helps. thanks!
I don't get a lunch hour (I choose not to take my 30 minute one so I can leave work 30 minutes earlier :)) but when I used to work at the university, I had full access to the beest gym facillity – and showers. I ran everyday at lunch – even in Alabama summer muck – yuck!!
I love the “wear running clothes under other clothes” tip. I only get 30 minutes for lunch most days because I'm part-time, so I rarely run at lunch. But these ideas will make it easier to do it when I need to!
Brilliant stuff.
Wear running clothes under other clothes is a great tip and I always get my Garmin started up before my run to catch those satellites, too. Great tips!
Me again–I just wanted to tell you I ran over my lunch break today. Maybe I went a *tiny* bit over the 30-minute limit….hee hee hee…Thanks for the inspiration.
As a SAHM, I'd like a post on “5 tips for getting yourself a lunch hour” :)Kudos to all of you who get out there and bust your bootie on your break time! Its tough, but seems to be doable!
Totally good tips!!! i wish there was a quick way for swimming. No matter what I end up looking like a drown rat with circles around my eyes (my goggles don't fit right).