Here’s to a happy, healthy 2011!
I’ve been thinking about goals. It’s only natural this time of the year. Are you making goals for 2011? Do you remember your goals from 2010? I remember a couple of them: write that novel; run that marathon. Neither of which I accomplished. But it was not without trying. However, I think I know why my goals were not met.
They aren’t goals. They are dreams.
I think there is a difference between goals and dreams. A dream is big. It’s life-changing. Goals are steps you take to reach your dreams.
I’m not an expert on this. Obviously. It’s just my observation.
When I write down my goals for 2011, they are going to be smaller, chewable pieces of my dreams. For example, I want to run a marathon. Okay. So what are the goals I need to achieve in order to do so? Follow my training plan. Work on strength. Eat well. Those are goals. Yes? What do you think?
Also, I need your advice. What am I going to do to ensure I am following my goals? A chart? A calendar? Does anyone have any fun ways of keeping track of their goals and achievements? I’d love to hear them!
wohoo i am in goal making mode right now!! i liked creating 30 day goals, but am going to do weekly goals next year…that way it's small things. instead of a marathon, which sounds huge (at least the first one) i set a goal that in March, I will run 30 miles per week, etc. That was really helpful for me
Oooh! I like the idea of weekly goals. Great idea!
I totally agree. Dreams are big, and they dont necessarily have a definite timeline or date of achievement. If your dream is to be financially secure, for example, that is something to be continually working toward for your whole life. However, the goals toward that dream would be the smaller, more incremental steps, such as paying off bills or boosting monthly IRA contributions and such.If you meet your goals, you'll eventually realize your dreams! I hope 2011 is THE YEAR of your dreams!
I agree with making goals that you CAN control such as following your training plan, eating well, and taking care of yourself. Then you can't get disappointed if something out of your control (i.e. an injury) keeps you from reaching your goal (a marathon). Does that make sense? I'll be following your suit this week 😀
Hey Kerrie! I haven't been hanging out in the blogosphere much lately, since forcing myself into hiatus (which has been spendid!), so if your bloggy blog has looked this way for a while, pls forgive me. It looks awesome, friend!! I LOVE the family pic. Your little guy is growing up so fast!So, goals. I'm glad you mentioned the topic… Here's what I can add: I've been thinking about you lately (not in a weird, stalker sorta way or anything…LOL). While I was working on my own goals this year, I found that my priorities shifted a bit, w/ more emphasis on my writing. At the same time, I remembered (and think of often) your desire to write your novel. That said, I have something for you! I found it a few months ago, and bought one for you and for me. Maybe it'll help with your 2011 goals… who knows?! 🙂 Hoping it does w/ mine! When you get a chance, will you send me your snail mail address so I can drop this little “New Year's Gift” in the mail to you. *hugs* from [email protected]
great pic
I follow a training plan to meet my goals!
I think you're on the right path. Identify the steps you need to follow to reach your goals/dreams. You need a plan and I have no doubt you'll get there!Winks & Smiles,Wifey
The family pic is adorable! I love it!I completely agree with the way you made the distinction between goals and dreams. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the two, but it really is an important distinction. I wish I had some great advice on keeping track of goals but I don't. Now if you'd like help with procrastination, I've got lots of experience with that!Stop by when you have a chance. I'm having a pretty cool giveaway!
Achieving goals requires three things. First, your goal must be achievable. For example, running a marathon in 5:00 is achievable for me. Running a marathon in 4:00 is not. Second, it must be measurable. How will you know that you are still on track? I'm actually going through this exercise over on my blog…