Motherhood, running, working, being a wife — they all pull me in different directions. Life is pretty good when I can balance it all. But I can only keep so many balls in the air.
I hate to clean. HATE. And our house reflects this. It’s not a total disaster, but it’s
not pretty. Dusting hasn’t been done since we picked up Christmas stuff. The vaccum hasn’t been run in a couple weeks, I’d guess. AND WE HAVE A ROOMBA! (Two of them actually.)
But the worst of the worst in our house is clutter. It’s like wherever anyone is, they drop whatever they are holding and there it sits. I am not blaming this on Mr. T and T Junior. I am guilty of it, too. But it usually gets to me first and so then I run around mumbling about them under my breath while I pick up all of OUR clutter. I do think if there was less clutter, I’d be more inclined to clean because I wouldn’t have to spend all my time cleaning up clutter BEFORE I began washing and scrubbing, etc.
What does this have to do with running?
Running, swimming, biking…they all get me out of the house. Where I can’t see the mess. If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, right? My point is: I’d rather be working out than cleaning. And that’s what I’ve been doing. At the same time, it bothers me that my house isn’t more clean. I mean, it doesn’t have to be Martha clean or anything, but it would be nice to walk around my house without feeling guilt around every corner.
I just ordered this book:
I just need a little motivation. Yeah, that’s it. How many calories does cleaning burn?
Is your house clean? What’s your “favorite” chore? Least favorite?
I don’t mind folding laundry. I HATE cleaning the bathrooms.
Man. I am THE WORST at cleaning. Thank GOODNESS I have older kids that I can task with silly things like vacuuming and sweeping. About once a month I get REALLY froggy and scrub the hell out of everything, and that lasts about a week. I just cross my fingers that no one unexpected wants to drop by the rest of the month, and purposely schedule dinner parties and having friends over for the one acceptable week. Lame.
I did track my calories once, and it was a pretty decent burn. But not enough to motivate me to actually clean regularly.
Even when I’m not technically struggling with balancing my million things (ok, that doesn’t happen often, but still!) I HATE cleaning 🙂 Least favorite chore is definitely bathrooms, especially with three boys. I don’t absolutely hate….hmmm, nope hate everything about cleaning!
This is funny. I HATE it too. I know I vacuumed last week, but the other stuff – I can’t tell you. Yeah and the clutter gets pretty bad too. I try to take it one thing at a time. I don’t have any advice for you though!
Please teach me everything you learn from this book. I’m the least domesticated person ever an suck at cleaning!! Especially the shower, it is always disgusting.
we have a house cleaner who comes 2x a month. Not only do they take care of the heavy stuff like cleaning our bathrooms, but it also forces me to clean up the clutter at least 2x a month. Because the less they have to move to clean, the more time the can spend actually cleaning. 🙂 I would give up so many things before I would give up a cleaner – look into it, it really helps with the stress levels and to come home to a clean house at least 2x a month is so worth it. When I was pregnant we could afford them once a week and I was in hevean.
Why do I never think of this! Thank you for the suggestion. I’m going to definitely look into the cost.
Haha!! I’m the same way!! I totally get irritated with my husband for leaving his crap everywhere when my crap is next to his!! Crap Everywhere!! Ahhh….I freak out!! It does no good. LOL However when I start to clean I go on a cleaning frenzy and am like a mad woman cleaner and then the whole house gets cleaned…if I have enough time which I usually don’t, so I settle for 1 or 2 rooms. And I hate FOLDING laundry, I don’t mind cleaning it but once it needs to be folded and put away I get lazy!! I don’t like to admit it but sometimes I let the laundry sit in the basket for a couple of days…I know horrible….but once I fold and put it away I feel so much better! Laundry is a never-ending vicious cycle! Ok tangent done.
sometimes i feel so overwhelmed with all of the things a mother is responsible for. it can get to be too much sometimes, huh? argh, i hate cleaning too but manage to do a little each day and do the big stuff when my husband can take the boys somewhere fun and i can have the whole house to myself and i get it done!! good luck with figuring out the balance…i think we all do SO much that we get very overwhelmed…
I’m the same way! I don’t mind folding laundry either (mostly because I can do it in front of the tv), and I hate mopping. In fact I’m not sure when the last time I did it was. I’m excited to hear if you like that book. I need some help here!
LOL! That’s why I don’t mind it either — got the tube on, I’m good.
Cracking up!! What we do when the house gets messy? Invite people over, that gets us cleaning right away.. HUGS!
I go through stretches of time where I’m really good about keeping the house clean but in general I really slack off. And since I’m not working right now I have all the time in the world to have a clean house, I just lack the motivation to do it. I have to trick myself or force myself to take care of day-to-day chores like dishes, making the bed. I don’t have a lot of responsibilities so this shouldn’t be an issue for me — I’m just lazy 🙂