I cannot wait to post this because I need your feedback on something. First, a quick note about Sunday.
DAY 198
Sunday was the first “official” day of NODM training and it was mostly uneventful, except that every time I got bored — like when T Junior was taking a long nap because he’s sick — I wanted to go running. Wanted to, but didn’t. Instead, I worked out with Dumb & Dumber (3 of 10 – bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions, chest flies, rowing lifts and pushups). I didn’t run because I did 10 miles on Saturday and the last thing I want to do is get hurt on the first day of training, which leads me to…
DAY 199
Okay, so I don’t really think I’m hurt. Mr. T says it’s probably a nerve thing.
Today was hard. (You can read about my major FAIL here.) My day was cursed. I didn’t sleep well last night. When I got out of bed this morning at 6:25 for my run, I never felt like I fell all the way asleep. No matter. I never made it to my run because T Junior woke up a lot earlier than normal.
The poor kid’s cold got worse today and I could not put him in the BOB and take him out on the trail just so I could complete my first 5-miler of NODM training. Instead, I took him to Target. (FAIL. Again, you can read it here.) We went there because I already decided I would do my run after he went to bed. But I wasn’t even sure that was going to happen.
Just when I thought the day was going to wrap up, a whole new…um…adventure started. T Junior’s faucet of a nose continued and the fever he had on Saturday came back. Then, he started crying and grabbing at his ears. Fantastic. But we did manage to calm him and he had some pain medicine. I read him four books, as usual, put him to bed and then changed into my running clothes. I left for my run as Mr. T started dinner at 8 p.m.
I do not like running at night. It’s darker than the dark in the early morning hours. The shadows are deeper and I feel like there are scary bad guys behind every shrub. I tried to ignore all that.
I did the loop that goes out of my neighborhood and through the well-lit main intersection in town — I don’t have to cross any streets or wait at any lights and there’s a wide sidewalk. My plan was for 5 miles with fartleks scattered throughout. I felt good at first and could smell Mr. T’s bulgogi grilling on my first pass by our house.
After 2 miles, I could feel pain in the two littlest toes on my right foot. A shooting pain. Sharp. With every step. This wasn’t the first time I felt it.
The first time was on my 8-miler two Saturdays ago. I felt it on my 10-miler this weekend, too, but not until late in the run. Tonight, it came on quick. By 3.5 miles, all of my toes on my right foot were getting this sharp pain that starts in the ball of my foot and then shoots through my five little piggies all the way to the tips when my foot rolls. Does that make sense? I tried to ignore it, but it was getting worse. I even whimpered out loud one time, “Ow.”
When I couldn’t help but limp, I decided I needed to stop. I’ve been reading way too many blogs about runners with injuries. I don’t want to add myself to that list. But what is this pain? Has anyone ever felt this? This is not a good way to start training. (Sad face.)
2/1/10 – 4.11 Miles- 42.51
Average pace: 10:25
Mile 1: 10:15
Mile 2: 10:18
Mile 3: 9:55
Mile 4: 10:57
.11 miles: 12:58
Just read your January 7th blog…thanks. Nice to know I'm not the only one who doesn't want to make blogging my life priority 🙂 …as much as I enjoy it!
Hmm … I wonder what it could be? My general rule is if something is still acting up after 2 weeks I go get it checked out. Most of the time the kinks work themselves out. Either way, I hope this non-injury doesn't happen again!
Does it hurt when you pull your 3 little toes back? If so I'd suspect bursitis. The body creates cushioning 'sacs' to protect the foot from the pounding. When the bursa get aggravated, bursitis ensues. I think a metatarsal foot pad will help. Definitely get in to see a foot doc.
Hmmm, I have my fingers crossed for you that it's nothing serious! I'd suggest icing, as it usually helps anything, and getting it checked out if it persists!
I have no idea what that could be but would agree with the idea of getting in to see about it soon. The quicker you can correct what is causing the pain, the less likely you are to develop a full blown injury. Hope T Junior is feeling better soon & you can get back to your regular routine.
Good for you for stopping the run short and I ditto getting the foot checked out before the possibility of things getting worse for you.Having a sick child is never fun and always pulls at your heartstrings – hope he heals up quick too! :0)
Good for you for stopping the run short and I ditto getting the foot checked out before the possibility of things getting worse for you.Having a sick child is never fun and always pulls at your heartstrings – hope he heals up quick too! :0)
OK does not sound good.. Hope that it passes. Maybe the shoes??
I have no idea but don't you have new shoes? When did the pain start – after the new shoes? If not definitely get it checked if it doesn't go away.
I always try to err on the side of caution. Case in point – I had a calf strain that I started feeling after a run last Tuesday. It was something that I could have continued running on, but rather than risk a greater injury, I basically shut things down for a week. Face it – missing a few runs isn't going to dramatically change things for me. But a pulled or torn calf will put me onthe shelf for several weeks! You are wise shutting things down and seeking advice.
Oh no, sorry to hear about that pain in your foot/toes! I can't say I have experienced that…. my first thought was shoes. Is the cushioning still good? I hope you feel 10)% better with a little rest!I also hope your little one is feeling better.
WebMD it lol. Or not because I've thought I've had so many serious diseases because of things I've read on there 🙂
Great Blog! I would def get the foot checked out. Leg and foot pain can be such a hassle.I hope Junior T is feeling better!
I would get it checked out. I hope the little one is better!!
Every once in a while the two smallest piggies on my left foot feel a little weird. I stretch out my foot a lot, but haven't had an “owie” moment like you. I would go see a foot doc to see what's going on with your foot. A precautionary measure is better than a full-on injury.
Go to the podiatrist, dear Kerrie. That pain sounds familiar, just like my Morton's Neuroma pain. :(Plus, the podiatrist will tell you if you need custom orthotics…which are fantastic. I'm sorry you hurt. That sucks.