It is almost back to normal at the T household. T Junior’s nose has almost dried up. I’m crossing my fingers that neither Mr. T nor I get sick – especially ahead of my longest run ever: the Million Inch Run on Saturday.
I take a pre-natal vitamin (no, I’m not pregnant; I got the big Costco bottle when I was pregnant and I’ve been working through it now for more than two years) every morning with my breakfast. It has definitely helped this cold season (knocking on wood that I don’t jinx myself). And I hope it keeps working this week.
Despite the tenderness in my right foot, I plan on running the 15.78 miles on Saturday along the Interurban Trail. I talked a little with Heather (Almost Running) about it and told her I may have to walk a bit. She reminded me that walking is okay and that some people get their best times when they take 1-minute walk breaks every mile or so to let their body recover.
But I’m not a fan of stopping and starting, I have always had a hard time getting back to my pace, so I don’t know if that’s something I will be able to do. I don’t feel nervous about the run, though. The week feels normal and I’m happy about that!
DAY 207
Tuesday, I was scheduled for cross training, but I forgot my book and did not want to sit on the stationary bike without it. I switched cross with strength, which included a 1-mile warm-up on the treadmill.
In the Secret Gym, I set the treadmill at a 1 percent grade and started off with an 11-minute pace, but quickly stepped it up at the quarter-mile mark to 10:20. At the half-mile mark, I upped it again to a 9:40 pace. My mile ended at 10:33.
Next, I got out the BOSU ball that I’ve been wanting to try. I really wanted to take a picture of me on it because I thought it might be entertaining, but there was another woman in the Secret Gym. On the stairclimber behind me.
Too bad, I’m taking one anyway, and I snapped a quick shot with my phone. I wonder what she thought; maybe she didn’t notice at all.
I decided to do my free-weight lifts while standing on the BOSU in order to work my core at the same time. It wasn’t as hard to balance on the BOSU as I thought it would be. I plowed through my sets (3 each of 15 reps of biceps, overhead lifts and rowing lifts) since I was on my lunch hour and had limited time. I struggled again with the overhead lifts, but at least I got the same number of reps in this time. (Later, back at work, my arm shook as I lifted a spoonful of macaroni and cheese to my mouth.)
Next, I did 10 lunges with my right foot up on the BOSU. My leg was trembling. My left leg was worse – I barely made it through 10. I did two more sets of 15 on the floor before heading over to the big weight machine.
I haven’t been doing calf raises, but for some reason, I recently remembered that we used to do them when I was on the cross country team in high school. On the big machine, I moved the lift bar up to shoulder-height and set the weights at 10 pounds. I did 15.
I alternated with 25 crunches on an exercise ball (I cheated on Mr. Bouncy!). Then 15 more calf raises, 25 crunches, 15 calf raises, 25 crunches. Then I did 15 more calf raises with the weight set at 20 pounds.
Back at work, I told my co-worker, who was a track athlete in college and is very knowledgeable about weights and working out in general, about some pulling I was feeling in the front, inside part of my left calf. “Is it shin splints?”
She thinks it is, but we agreed that there’s not much you can do for those. Right?
I could be getting some pain there because of my new Super Feet insoles — I didn’t really give them a good break-in period, which The Pod told me to do. I figured they’d break in with that 3-miler I did on Saturday. Maybe they didn’t. I have to take Ibuprofin anyway for my foot, so that should help this problem, too. Sheesh. I don’t remember having all these little annoying aches and pains last year.
DAY 208
My left leg is feeling much better. I think it just needed to rest. I ran four days in a row, which I normally don’t do.
Today, I was looking forward to the stationary bike. I had an idea of something I wanted to try.
If you’ve read this blog for a while you know my emotionally abusive relationship with writing, and how I want to be an author yet somehow I can’t “find” enough time in the day to sit down and work on that dream. And, you might know how I have one idea after another and nothing seems to hold my interest past a couple of days. Not even NaNoWriMo could break this cycle.
Inspired by my SCBWI meeting Tuesday night, I brought my notebook with me to the Secret Gym. Since I can ride and read, why not ride and write?
Unfortunately, that didn’t last very long. I wrote one paragraph, but my knees kept bumping my pad of paper and I’m not sure I will be able to read what I scribbled across the page. I traded the notebook for the book club book that I am reading: The Book Thief.
Reading and riding works better, so I guess I’ll stick with that. Besides, the less stuff to lug around the better, right?
I rode for 10 miles in about 33 minutes and when I got off of the bike, I was wobbly. Drenched in sweat, I gathered my things and left feeling confident about myself, even about my body. But not my ability to multi-task.
Are you a multi-tasker? What else do you try to do while you work out? Bills? Catch up on American Idol? Got a crazy multi-tasking story to share?
-The only thing that’s making me nervous about Saturday’s Million Inch Run is that I wanted to wear a pink shirt because it will be the day before Valentine’s Day. The one I wanted to buy at Target is gone. I’ve checked three different locations. No long-sleeve pink Champion shirts. Lots of orange ones. But NO PINK! It may not matter after all because the forecast is calling for rain and wind on Saturday. Yippee. But what am I going to wear?!
-I have been doing some product testing and have some fun reviews coming up for: the Champion Body Balance Shirt, Body Glide,
Jelly Belly Sport Beans and three different flavors of Nuun. Yum!
-I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s “rest” because I am S-O-R-E.
I can talk on the phone while I run, but that doesn't take much of an effort other than pushing a button. I tried to read a newspaper once while using a stationary bike but it was a horrible experience. I can't even really watch TV. Once I was at a hotel using their treadmill and it was a fancy treadmill which had a television on it. There was a soccer game on that I'd kinda wanted to watch, but I had a hard time paying attention to the game and trying to follow it while running. The angle of the TV didn't help – I essentially had to look down while running – and I just got tired of it. So even TV is a no go 🙁
I can't really read while running (though I've tried), but I've read journal articles while on a bike or Arc trainer. It makes the exercise and the article go by more quickly!Your weight routine sounds great. I love the feeling of wobbly arms afterward. I hope those shin splints go away!
Writing and riding on a bike? Hmmm, that does sound hard. :PI'm so excited for this saturday! It's going to be fun to meet up with everyone.
Too funny about the riding/writing! :)I take prenatal vitamins too, have for the last 2+ years… I've never been nor plan to be anytime soon, pregnant… they are just great vitamins to take and make my hair and nails beautiful!Great workout routine! I want to get one of those balance balls, I used one at a boot camp once and it totally kicked my butt!
Nice gym workouts! Love the pics.Good luck on Saturday!
Hmmmm maybe I should get out some prenatals?? We dont plan on having another blue-eyed boy but wow have I been sick a lot!!SOOOO EXCITED for Saturday. I think my Target is sold out too, but I will check for you. But like you said, all pretty pink outfits are out if it pours like it did yesterday.OK off to send an email to make sure everything is GO for Saturday.
I can't do anything while on a stationary exercise machine, mostly because I can't concentrate. I have a nook e-reader though and was thinking I might try that.I read the book thief and it ranks among one of my favorite books. Let me know what you think of it.I'm curious about this secret gym of yours. Do you pay to use it? Is it in your building? Looks pretty nice.
Looks like you are doing a wonderful job! My running partner hates to stop and walk, I find that it energizes me more. Good luck on your race 🙂
Multi-tasking…funny you ask because I did my cross training yesterday and had my book, my cell and my ipod. I thought how funny it must look. Love the picture on the bosu…I felt funny taking pictures of Hills the other day when cars were on the road.Have fun on the run on Saturday. I am not up to those miles yet or i would have done it. Enjoy…looks like it will be a lot of fun!
I always wonder how people read while doing eliptical or treadmill, I just can't. Maybe on the bike I could though. Can't wait to read your upcoming reviews. Good luck on Sat, you're a rockstar!
Have a great run on Saturday, hope the foot cooperates! Ice those shins, and stretch lots. When I had them, I was told to write the alphabet with my toes (in the air). Kinda hard to explain in words, but I'm sure you've got it 😉
Good luck in your race this weekend! Great workout on the bosu ball, I love those!