DAY 304
I’m starting to like the recumbent bike. I get to read while I’m working out, and you all know what a fan I am of multi-tasking…or, maybe you don’t, but now you know. I figured out, through asking others and Internet research, that I need to ride at least three miles for every one mile I would normally run. I sweat like crazy on that thing, so I know I’m doing something right.
Thursday I got up at 4 a.m., took Bennie out, showered and went to the gym. I know it seems silly to shower before the gym,but there’s no way I could exercise, get home, get clean and get to work on time. So, it’s the only way. And my hair stays wet in a ponytail or bun, so I just take it out and sort of let it frizz curl naturally.
I pedaled hard for 50 minutes (12.12 miles), then did a 5-minute/1-mile cooldown. After I ride, I stay next to the bike and stretch. I started holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds. I hate to admit it, but my stretching was lacking before. I probably held each stretch for 3-5 seconds. I learned my lesson.
Thursday morning, I was tempted to get on the treadmill and just try out my calves and shins for 10 minutes. But I held back. I waited for Friday because I wanted to run outside, not on the ‘mill.
DAY 305
It gets light out around 5 a.m. right now. And it will get earlier. I like this. This means I can run outside in the morning on my days off and, actually, even before work if I want. I will be factoring in more time for my running — time for stretching and warming up before my run and time for stretching and icing after my run.
This morning, I rose at 5:30, took Bennie out, weighed myself (down 1.4 – yay!) and put my running clothes on. Downstairs, before I strapped on my watch, drank a glass of water and ate a banana. Then I put on my shoes, did 30 jumping jacks for a little warm up and did two nice ‘n’ easy stretches for my lower legs.
Outside, I walked quickly for about three minutes, then gently stretched my calves on a curb. I was nervous. Please no pain, please no pain.
I got started with a goal of 20 minutes of easy running on my regular 1.5-mile town loop. I stuck to the asphalt instead of running on the concrete sidewalk, which is what I used to do. I never really thought about it before, but I was running a lot of miles on those sidewalks.
I felt great. I could tell the bike has helped me stay in shape. I have not run in two weeks, but I felt pretty strong. My thighs felt strong. My core felt weaker, though, but that’s because I’ve slacked on my strength workouts.
Ever time I looked, my time was at a 10-minute pace or less and I felt like I was running easy!
And before I knew it, my 20 minutes was up. I hit stop on my watch and saw that I was at 1.99 miles. I couldn’t stop there, I hit start and ran for a few feet to get to 2. The run was over too soon! But I wanted to take it easy.
I walked again for about 3 minutes, then stretched my calves on the curb in front of my house before going inside where I stretched immediately. I did the stretch routine that I still remember from my cross country days in high school. It’s very complete and I held each stretch for a full 20 seconds. I felt relaxed afterward.
Then, I made some Nuun and iced my shins just in case. I need to get some larger Ziplocs because the only thing I had that was big enough were two bags of frozen veggies. I left them on for 10 minutes.
I feel so relieved. I know I still need to take it easy, but I’m excited to be running again. I’m still going to do a lot of biking, though. I believe in the bike!
5/21/10 – 2 Miles – 20:20
10:08 average pace
Mile 1: 10:10
Mile 2: 10:07
-Look for a couple of sweet giveaways soon!
I am so impressed by your commitment to the AM workouts and the biking. Keep it up, girlfriend.EXCELLENT news on the run!!! So happy for you.
Woo Hoo!!!!! yeah for running!!I love NUUN and frozen veggies as ice packs! The best!!How are the shins feeling?
Yay for pain free running!! And way to go on your very disciplined approach to starting up again. Always tempting to go farther & push it a little when you're feeling good, but I think you're totally right to ease into it in small steps.
Excellent run, Kerrie! I'm so glad that it felt fantastic for you. Those are the best. 🙂
Happy dance! I firmly believe spinning helped me recover from my sprained and broken ankle. Love the bike too!When I stretch I count to 20, That way I know I'm stretching both sides evenly and getting in a decent stretch. Yeah, 5 second stretches don't really do much :)So happy for you but remember to take it easy 🙂
Hooray, so happy for you!Love the frozen veggies, personally I keep 2 bags of peas on the freezer just to use as icebags I like them because they mold to whatever I put them on 🙂
Yay on the run! You're so dedicated to keep up with other workouts you can do while you couldn't run. I've just done nothing while I've been injured. Are you still feeling ok or did you get sore after the run?
So happy for you…and great job with the biking 🙂
So glad you had a great run!!! yipee!!! i hope you can continue to heal! how did you feel afterwards?Your bike enthusiam is making me want to ride!!!
Great news on a run without issues!