I was thinking about food this morning as I washed my hair and did ankle rolls simultaneously.
Not about how I was hungry post 3-miler, but more about how running has helped me think differently about food. I used to look at food as an everyday pleasure, a reward (every day!), and I wanted to get as much of it as possible. After nearly a year of running, I realized I don’t think of food like that anymore.
Food is fuel. What I put in my body will help me get what I want to out of my body (talking about energy here, you sickos). If eat a fast food burger for lunch with curly fries and a Diet Coke, I’m going to need a nap. Even the caffeine can’t keep me up. I can’t afford a nap. Too much to do.
If I eat a green salad with cherry tomatoes, some avocado, a few croutons and a half-tablespoon of light Ranch, plus a turkey sandwich and water, I’m ready to go. I’m practically buzzing with energy. Not as much as after two cups of coffee, but buzzing enough that I can make it through the day. Or at least until my Greek yogurt at 2:30.
Sure, I still reward myself with food. In fact, me and Mr. T have dessert almost every night. But it is small and light (Skinny Cow usually), and it is based on how I ate throughout the day. Of course, I still have weak moments (ginormous piece of cheesecake at Tall Mom’s house last weekend).
But day-to-day, I am making smarter choices. It has to do with having energy for running, biking, swimming, playing with T Junior, surviving the after-work scene at home (toddler, puppy, etc.).
And, yeah, it has to do with jeans, too.
DAY 331
My alarm clock went off at 4:15. I jumped up, hit snooze and went back to bed. I was tired because I had a headache last night (again!) that made falling asleep difficult. I finally caved and took an Ibuprofin.
So I didn’t really want to wake up less than six hours later. But now that I was awake, I wasn’t falling back asleep. I debated.
Get up and run? Try to fall back asleep/lay here till 5, then run at lunch?
A lunch-time run sounded like way to much work. Plus, I was already awake. I got up, put on my running clothes that I set out the night before, and went for a run.
I did 50 jumping jacks and 20 ankle rolls on each leg to warm up.
I don’t know how far to run right now. I don’t have a race to train for. I just want to stay in shape. I was looking at a 10K training plan and early in the plan it calls for 2.5-mile runs. But that just doesn’t feel like enough for me right now. So, I opted for 3 (even though I probably really only had time for 2 since I sort of stalled before leaving my house because it was darker than I anticipated).
I ran cul-de-sacs in my neighborhood with my pepper spray. I’ve been feeling chicken lately.
I concentrated on my stride again. I’m not convinced yet it’s the best thing to do. Friday, I am seeing the running coach-recommended podiatrist who does a gait analysis and deals with athletes. I’m hoping he’s able to help me.
On the run through my neighborhood, I saw two petite women running. I nodded and smiled.
Hmm. Maybe they didn’t see me. Then, as I was heading to go up the hill, there they were (taking the route down the hill, I am adding). I nodded, smiled and said, “Hi.”
That so bugs me. You can’t even lift a finger to acknowledge me? I know sometimes you are so into your run, it is hard. I’ve been so focused that I didn’t say hello to everyone I passed on a run before. But I have NEVER not reciprocated a greeting. I know most of us are friendly. Just needed to rant.
I added some fartleks on my last mile and it felt good to push myself a little. I finished three miles, then checked my watch: 5:18. Yikes! I needed to stretch still, shower, get dressed, make coffee.
6/16/10 – 3.08 Miles – 30:36
Average pace: 9:56
Mile 1: 10:02
Mile 2: 10:02
Mile 3: 9:43
I hustled home, stretched my calves on my front step, then ran up to the shower. While I waited for the water to heat, I did a couple more stretches. Then I did ankle rolls (both directions) while I washed and conditioned my hair.
Anyway, just as I suspected I did not regret getting up and going for a run. Not only do I feel great afterward, but my skin freakin’ glows.
The lack of sleep caught up with me, though, by the end of a busy day. I had to write tons of brand new copy for a bunch of new products today. I was a machine! Tomorrow will be the same.
So I was exhausted by the time I picked up T Junior at day care, but thrilled that Bennie did not crap in his crate. Not cleaning up poop: WIN!
After T Junior went to bed, I did Dimity’s Core Workout:
2×25 crunches on the ball
2×15 squats with ball against wall
2×15 pushups on ball (hurt my knee when I fell off the ball on the second set)
2×15 lunges with ball (each leg)
2x 25-sec. planks
tricep dips (1st time: 10; 2nd time: 12 — getting better!)
2×30 oblique twists on the ball
Maybe the most exciting news of the day is that I purchased tickets for Grease Sing-A-Long in July! I’m going with two friends and cannot wait! Should I go as a Rizzo?
Or Sandy?
HA! You should so go as Rizzo!!! I'm right there with you on the food thing! The more focused I get on my training the better my eating habits get. good luck with your running coach!! I hope he can give you some good pointers!
That's a no-brainer. Definitely RIZZO!!
I agree with your thoughts on food. Food is fuel. Its ok for the fuel to be tasty. Its ok if you enjoy the fuel and look forward to it. But its still fuel.Its not your friend. Thats what relationships are for.Its not your comfort. Thats what fuzzy socks and good books are for. (food can be comfortING, but it shouldn't be your sole source of comfort.)Its not the highlight of your day. Thats what facebook is for.
RIZZO! She's a bad-ass!
YES, I have been learning to look at food as fuel also. I notice that my diet afefcts my running DRASTICALLY which helps in making better choices throughout the day. Awesome job on your run! Enjoy the glow.
@NavyWife – Hahahaha! Facebook. Hahaha!
Those women must have moved up from Southern California…..
Rizzo! She was my favorite. Those chicks sound awful!
Rizzo for sure.Interesting about running changing your relationship with food. I had to get a handle on the food before I could get to a reasonable weight to run :PIt sounds like your schedule is crazy right now, and I am with you when I say hi and get nothing back it's annoying 😛
Rizzo….but only because you already own those glasses. :O
Yayyy Rizzo Rocks 😀 And you sound like you're doing so well right now ;D