Things started off just fine. T Junior even wore his sunglasses for a whole 30 seconds!
And, actually, he did pretty well in the BOB for most of today’s 4-mile run with Heather and J. Of course, J slept for a couple miles again, and T Junior didn’t. But at least he stayed quiet entertained thanks to the portable CD player, which pumped Disney tunes for a good three miles. Lately, I feel like a parade at the Happiest Place on Earth.
After that, though, the whining began. He even slipped his arms out of the stroller’s seatbelt and tried to stand up. He was so done. Luckily, a graham cracker square was enough to keep him busy until we reached the Odyssey.
Later, though, I started thinking about this and about Issaquah Salmon Days. The plan is for Heather and me to push our boys in the 10K. But, I’m starting to have my doubts about T Junior’s ability to hold still that long. I can just picture me having to hobble through the finish line, pushing an empty stroller with one hand and holding a bouncing baby boy in the other.
I don’t know. Maybe there will be enough exciting things to look at to keep his attention.
If he would just fall asleep in the stroller like that one time, that’d be great.
Hi! found your blog through Mel-Tall mom on the run. I completely sympathize with the stroller situation, i can't even count how many times I've had to turn around early and head home with a screaming toddler on my hip!! Hang in there mama!
Hi Heather! Man, so far no screaming…*crossing fingers and knocking on wood*