DAY 205
A couple miles into my 8-miler on Sunday and I was thinking of a title for Day 205’s blog post: “Oh Crappy Run.” (You know, ’cause Day 204 was “Oh Happy Run”? Get it? Okay, had to be there.)
But that all changed after Mile 4. I don’t know if my Sport Beans (which I ate at about 2.5 miles) kicked in or what, but all of a sudden I was feeling good and couldn’t take my foot off the gas pedal. I felt strong. Machine-like. I won’t say it was effortless like Saturday, but it was good. I was working hard and seeing results in the time on my Garmin: Mile 5 was more than a minute faster than Mile 4 and I ran a 9:26 on the sixth mile!
I wasn’t trying to run that fast, but I couldn’t slow down. Finally, around 7.5 miles, I really concentrated on slowing down a bit. My right foot felt a little sore around that time, too, and I didn’t want to push it.
It’s funny. I don’t have a lot to write about this long run. Usually, my long run recaps are Gone with the Wind-esque. But my mind just sort of zoned out as I ran. Weird.
I came home and Mr. T started cooking. He worked in the kitchen all day to make Gumbo, Po’ Boy sandwiches and bread pudding for our little Super Bowl get-together. (Yay Saints!) The food was awesome and boy, was I glad I burned 1,243 calories that morning.
8 Miles – 2/27/10 – 1:22:53
Average pace: 10:21
Mile 1: 10:57
Mile 2: 10:55
Mile 3: 10:43
Mile 4: 10:52
Mile 5: 9:43
Mile 6: 9:26
Mile 7: 9:53
Mile 8: 10:18
DAY 206
I got to sleep in! On Sunday, Kris (Sleepless with Siena) and I arranged to meet Monday to run with the BOBs after our kids’ naps. Yesterday morning, though, poor Siena was sick and we had to cancel.
I didn’t want to run with T Junior in the BOB on the dirt and gravel trail by my house. I wanted smooth pavement. Before T Junior took his mid-day nap, I loaded the jogging stroller in the back of the minivan so we could just go when he woke up. I also washed my running clothes while he slept.
It was sunny outside, though, so I wanted to wear short sleeves. I rifled through my dresser and found a shirt that I’ve never worn. I won it last spring from a mom blog as part of a big basket of cool stuff. I never wore it becase 1) I was too fat, and 2) I don’t speak Spanish.
It’s a cute (size medium) shirt, but it says something in Spanish on the front in sparkly pink. (WHY did I take French in high school?) There’s an outline of a woman wearing heels and extending her hands up to the sky, and the words make up her form-fitting dress: “Viva la Vida Ama la Vida.” I didn’t think I could wear something when I wasn’t sure what it said. So I was going to look up the meaning.
But when I put it on, I discovered a little translation on the back up by the collar: “Live life, love life.”
Okay. I LOVE that. And, guess what?
I’m not too fat to wear it anymore.
I was getting dressed when I heard T Junior wake up from his nap. I laced up my shoes, then plucked him from his crib. “Let’s go, Bubba.”
Maybe he noticed my capris or that I was wearing my running shoes because he said, “Ex-Er-Cise!” which made me smile. I hope I’m setting a good example.
Five minutes later, we were down at the Cedar River Trail — the end that’s closer to my house. I haven’t run this end since fall.
When we arrived, I discovered it wasn’t quite as warm as I had thought it would be. It was windy! I wished I’d bundled T Junior a little better and I was glad I didn’t take out all the extra blankets I had in his BOB. Thank goodness I brought my Moeben fleece running sleeves, the white ones with the colorful butterflies. They matched my shirt!
The run was good. It was fine. Okay, it was difficult. Pushing the BOB is not easy. Have you ever ran with a jogging stroller? With a kid in it? Against the wind?
In case you have not, I have some video for you.
This is taken standing on the cool bridge. Look up!
5 Miles – 2-/08/10 – 55:21
Average pace: 11:03
Mile 1: 10:39
Mile 2: 10:32
Mile 3: 10:55
Mile 4: 11:38
Mile 5: 11:31
Looking good Kerrie – That shirt is adorable. Great job on the long run. I love when it feels like you can't slow down. And like always, you have the best pictures!
That's a cool shirt!My child LOVES riding in the jogging stroller. And it is a serious workout for me- ugh! But it's quality time together, and like you said, I hope I'm setting a good example.
that t-shirt looks fabulous on you! the pictures look fantastic. thanks for the video. i think this spring i will challenge myself with my jogging stroller (i have twins…so wish me luck). great run!
Nice time on the long run!I was trying to read the description on the shirt and was like “I can't tell what that says” until I realized that it's backwards because it's a mirror shot.That shirt looks good on you. Isn't it great when clothes that didn't fit you before now fit fine? That was always motivating to me.I like the trail on the clip 🙂
Those sound like some great runs, Kerrie! Many strong miles. Doesn't it feel good when everything just CLICKS?I love that top – looks great on you, skinny minnie!
Great running mama! And you look fantastic! I am contemplating giving up my BOB. There I said it. Thing 2 hasn't been in it in Lord knows how long. Although it holds up to 70lbs….it'll be a real rite of passage when BOB goes away.
You are becoming quite the speed demon Kerrie! Cute cute shirt and you look great in it.
you look great!
Cool shirt! That's such a great pace while pushing a stroller!!
You look FAB in that shirt. Love the pictures!! Hugs to you for making it work.
That shirt looks amazing on you, dude. 🙂 And I don't know what you're talking about with the stroller…you looked like you were cruisin. (By the way, I love that T Jr says “ex-er-cise!” So fun!)
the running pics are gorgeous – i'm a sucker for good scenery! love the shirt (glad you shared the link). i had hoped running with a stroller was somehow easier… i've been passed by one before!
Awesome pictures. Especially the bridge! And, yes, we live on a huge hill with 10-20 mile an hour winds all the time – makes pushing the BOB lots of fun. Especially when your 3 y/o is yelling “Faster, mama. Faster, mama” with his fist pumping the air. Ugh!Love the shirt!
Don't get so down on yourself. Training is about getting your body to do the things that your mind wants it to. You had some great runs these past few days. Training paces in the sub 10's? You're going to rock your next race!
Great job! What are sports beans?