Thanks for all the awesome comments yesterday. I’m just figuring things out as I go! (Just like the rest of the world, I suppose.)
DAY 316
Tuesday it was back to reality. I was extremely tired and went to bed way too late so I did not get up at 4 to go to the gym. I decided, instead, to run at lunch. My legs were feeling fine after Sunday’s run, so I wanted to try ’em out again.
In order to cut down on the time it takes me to change my clothes pre-run in the bathroom at work, I wore my sports bra and running socks under my “day” clothes. I didn’t think it would make that much of a difference, and I don’t really know if it did, but I felt faster.
I also ran faster, and not on purpose. The bike training is really paying off in terms of speed. I guess it has strengthened my upper legs quite a bit. I feel like I have more power from there now and I use my calves less to drive my stride than I did before.
I was trying to take it easy and I had to slow down several times. I passed an older man, who was jogging, and he hollered, “Throw out a rope!” I laughed.
There were some annoying things about this run: cottonwood seeds. Does everyone have these? Imagine the puffy dandelion. Now imagine that puff ball floating through the air with thousands of other puffballs. It’s snowing puffballs here, and they go up your nose and in your mouth and eyes when you run.
And then there was the nausea. My stomach felt queasy with every stride toward the end. It rose and dropped like I was on a roller coaster. Ew. Good thing I was almost done with my 3-miler when that started.
6/1/10 – 3 Miles – 29:23
Average pace: 9:47
Mile 1: 9:53
Mile 2: 9:38
Mile 3: 9:49
An easy run with a 9:47 pace? Craziness.
DAY 317
I got up early Wednesday to go swimming, but not early enough. I wasn’t ready. So I was 10 minutes later than I wanted to be, which left me with only 20 minutes to swim rather than 30.
Lane 4 was open, so I slipped in. There were two other lanes with two swimmers in them, but I think they were friends. I hope there’s not some kind of lap-swimming lane-selection pool etiquette that I’m not aware of.
The swim was good, but I’m pretty sure I am going to have to stop swimming breaststroke. With every “frog” kick, I could feel my bulging disc put pressure on my sciatic nerve. (And Wednesday night, it really hurt.)
I really wanted to run Wednesday because it was National Running Day, so I brought my running clothes with me to work again. I went for an easy, easy run this time with a goal of making it 2 miles. And no 9:47 pace. I concentrated on slow. And I brought my phone with me so I could take pictures of my NRD run.
My route near work includes this fun plank bridge that skims over the top of a wetland reserve area. It was swirling with cottonwood seeds on Tuesday, but it rained Wednesday morning so the air was clear. In slowing down, I noticed a couple of informational plaques about the reserve that I’d never even noticed.
I also noticed an asphalt trail right after the bridge that I’d never taken before. But it turned up a dead-end.
But I did see a cool, abandoned bridge. I love cool bridges.
And at the end I saw a mama duck with her “babies,” except they looked more like teenage ducks.
6/2/10 – 2.16 Miles – 22:51
Average pace: 10:33
Mile 1: 10:40
Mile 2: 10:30
.16: 1:39
DAY 318
Thursday I got up at 4:30 to go to the gym, but I took too long getting ready. Again. I wanted to ride the bike for an hour, but I only ended up having time for 25 minutes. I bumped the level up to 9 on random and pedaled hard. Better than nothing, though, right? (Cooldown was 5 minutes, about a mile.)
Unfortunately, my shin splints were bothering me later in the day on Thursday, and I knew running two days in a row was probably not the best idea. I also felt like I was getting a sore throat. And, that night, I started having tummy troubles that left me in the bathroom a lot. I ate a banana, some applesauce and toast for dinner.
DAY 319
The good news Friday morning: I lost 1.2 pounds even with the holiday weekend. The bad news Friday morning: I lost my voice, my chest was on fire and I was achy and cold.
I slept in till after 7 (late for me). I needed it, though. Besides, I have a half marathon on Sunday, so I’m resting.
But it just figures. Thank goodness I’m not running my first marathon on Sunday. I plan on walking the half with Alma (The Average Woman’s Running Blog) and her friend. I’m pretty excited to meet a bloggy buddy and we’re just going to have fun. I figure my cold should be better by Sunday morning and I definitely won’t be contagious then.
The only bad part is I have to get up at 4 a.m. to drive to Port Angeles, but I get up around then quite a bit, so I should be just fine. The other yucky thing is it’s not supposed to be the greatest weather. The forecast is calling for showers and temps in the 50s, but a breakdown is saying it might be partly sunny at 9 a.m. (which is when the race starts). So, we shall see.
I’ll either be wearing my pink plaid running skirt or my pink plaid running skirt with capris underneath. Ha!
Happy racing to everyone this weekend! There are a lot of them. And, a special shout-out to my sorority sister, Lisa, who is running her first marathon on Sunday in San Diego. Go, Lisa, go! (You can’t see me, but I’m snapping right now. Well, not really. I’m typing, and when I stop, I’ll be snapping. You get the idea.)
Thanks for stopping by. Looking forward to hear more about your journey.
Love all the pictures… how cool was that old bridge?! Hope you and Alma have a great time at NODM… must admit to being a bit green that you guys get to meet up and walk together!
Have a great time walking your half-marathon with Alma…how cool!
Ah cottonwood, how I hate you (too)! Sunglasses take care of keeping them out of my eyes, but the up-the-nose ones are the worst… and I always think that there are bugs attacking my legs so I look like an idiot swatting as I run. 🙂
Awesome job on the runs, swim and bike and congrats on the weight loss!!
Awww thanks for the shoutout Kerrie!!! aoe
see what happens when you go nice and slow? I love all the new things I see when I take it super slow :D. Glad you're doing well…
Funny how that works huh? The more you run/swim/bike the faster you get…..
Cool pictures! The bridge one is cool. :)Cross training makes a difference. I still need to learn that lesson. Haha!