The mental side of running is huge. No doubt about it.
For about a year, I’ve been in a bad mental space when it came to running. Look at that ugly face I’m making up there after last year’s Seattle Rock N Roll Half. Boo on that face. Boo on that attitude. (I was sort of joking around, but still.) Poor Zoë (Run, Zoë, Run) had to run with me.
That’s the thing. When you have a poor attitude, it doesn’t just affect you. It affects those around you. (No wonder I’ve been running alone so much lately.)
Recently, though, I’ve made a change. It was simple, really, I just changed my mind about having a bad attitude. I just made up my mind: No more bad attitude about running.
Any time I got a bad attitude, I told myself–in my best Olaf voice–NOPE! And I turned it around and thought happy thoughts. Nine miles on the treadmill? Yippee! I will catch up with Dancing with the Stars.
Yesterday, I ran the Seahawks 12K from start to finish with my good friend Mel (Tall Mom on the Run). We often start races together, but have never finished together before because usually one of us is feeling better than the other. But we decided to just have fun yesterday.
We literally talked and laughed for 7.7 miles (or 71 minutes)…except on the steep hills.
We just made up our minds to have fun and be positive. And, no doubt about it, we had a blast!

More on the race later. Meantime, how do you stay positive when you’re facing a tough workout or race?
1 comment
Totally agree, too often my attitude gets in my way. I love the quote: “whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t – you are right!”