Congrats on the speedy 5K! Way to push yourself all by yourself. I giggled at spitting like a dude – “and it was a good one!” Oh the things that please a runner!And yep, 5K = 3.11
Awesome!!! You killed it!! And all by yourself! Seriously though, what were you thinking make the route as hard as possible at the end? Sheesh! Everyone knows you END a virtual race with a wicket downhill!!! =) Way to challenge yourself-I can see it in the tongue! LOVE IT!! =)
Hey good to see that you completed the target. Practice makes perfect continue the hard work.
Great time. Must. talk. to. the. race director about finishing on a hill. Not fun!
nice time and way to get going! FAST miles!! looking good!
PR???? Does it count if its virtual? I think YES!
Great run!!
great run…love the pics! and hey, if a you gotta spit, you gotta spit. have a great weekend.
Congrats on the speedy 5K! Way to push yourself all by yourself. I giggled at spitting like a dude – “and it was a good one!” Oh the things that please a runner!And yep, 5K = 3.11
Awesome!!! You killed it!! And all by yourself! Seriously though, what were you thinking make the route as hard as possible at the end? Sheesh! Everyone knows you END a virtual race with a wicket downhill!!! =) Way to challenge yourself-I can see it in the tongue! LOVE IT!! =)
Amazing run! That hill at the end looks so rough. Now a 5k without a huge hill at the finish will seem so much easier!
speedy speedy speedster!!!! nice “race”
Nice! Great time, sucky hill.
Great – and interesting – run! LOL! Way to make it happen.Winks & Smiles,Wifey