I can’t believe it. I’m at a loss for words.
If T Junior were sitting next to me, he’d say: “Mom, you not talkin’? You not talkin’, Mom? Mom? You not talkin’? You not talkin’, Mom? Mom? Mom? Why you not talkin’? Mom, you not talkin’? You not talkin’, Mom? Mom?”
No. I’m not talkin’.
Quick! Look out the window! Are there pigs flying around? No? Maybe Hell’s frozen over. Anyone connected to Hell’s CEO on LinkedIn? Could you find out for us? We’ll wait.
While we’re waiting to hear back, now’s your chance to get a word in. Anyone have any questions for me? I need something to talk about!
Uh, I'm tongue-tied here. Got the spotlight thrust in my face and I've got nothing to ask. I mean, I do but nothing comes up. So I'll ask the first question that comes to my mind…How do you mentally prepare yourself to run? I still struggle with this sometimes, and you'd think I'd have gotten past all of this, but alas no. Sometimes if I think “Gotta run six miles” I tense up and feel like I can't do it, but once I get out there and start the actual run I'm fine.Plus, you've got the added joy of getting up and going to the gym at an ungodly hour.So, given all of your challenges, how do you mentally prepare for runs or workouts? I mean, if I was driving to the gym at 4:45, I'm not sure how mentally focused I'd be.
Cutie-pie T Junior.
Thanks, LB. That's a good one. 🙂
Uh, so how are your grades?Wait, that was an old standby in college on a lame date….