Tonight, the last four contestants on The Biggest Loser will run…wait for it…
a marathon.
When Sammy, I mean Alison Sweeney, announced this, I felt it coming. Jealousy. It seeped out of me in the form of tears.
Instead of being excited and happy for these four amazing people, I’m annoyed. Annoyed that they will do it and I will not. I will sit here on the couch and watch them run.
Actually, no I won’t. I don’t think I’m going to watch. Besides, I have go to bed early again so I can get up at 4, get to the gym and ride the bike.
Okay. I'm watching it. Get over yourself, Ker.
OK so happy that I logged in. I have been avoiding bloggy land as it has been hard to see all the running and working out. I am watching the biggest loser and I so want to run a marathon. Why does injury make life so complicated?
You are so going to run a marathon someday, Kerrie. You've come a long way in a short amount of time (I bet you weren't even thinking marathon one year ago). Let those Losers have their moment in the sun, and when it's your turn it will be so much brighter.
So sorry Kerrie! You will get back in the swing of things! I have a friend who did the majority of her marathon training in the pool. Maybe that is an option. You pretty much just run in the pool and then finally on race day you run on the land. It is no impact and you can heal while still conditioning. I can try to find out about her traing and let you know…And in the RLAM book i think it was Dimity that trained for a marathon, got injured about a month in and did the rest of her training on the bike. She had a formula to convert the bike miles to running miles. Then she ran the marathon! I'm just saying that you can continue to train and maybe, just maybe be healthy enough for the marathon! If not the June 6th one then one toward the end of June or early July!! Think about it!! Maybe a second opinion is in order? Just saying…Hang in there…you will run again! and you WILL get your marathon!
Since we don't have a TV anymore I can watch Biggest Looser on Hulu only so I will get to see this episode in a week. I hope this time they run the real thing.I am actually quite amazed that considering how unfit those people are in the beginning they don't end up with more injuries. Another big question for me is the length of their marathon training. Kerrie, you will have your marathon. Just because you felt that jealousy tells me that you won't give up, you will heal fast and run one soon.
This is just a delay…one day, you WILL run a marathon!
You will totally run a marathon … and the jealously is normal. I was instantly jealous too!
Thanks you guys. I heart the running-blogging community. You guys are awesome.PS: I watched and felt more inspired by the end of it. Especially with Daris.
Aw, glad you were able to watch and get inspired in the end. You will get your turn, girl!
I totally agree. I watched it and whipped out my pace calculator when Darius finished. How does someone go from ~300 lbs to 9:14/minute miles in 5 months? For a marathon? Pissses me off.
Oh no, what did I miss while I was away? I'll have to read your older posts!
i agree with Robyn, what did i miss??? i have to go back and read….i hope you are ok! 🙁
use it as motivation!! fuel the fire. you will have your marathon too!
Remember – with 30 days of training they're not really going to “run” a marathon. In fact most will end up hating it so much they probably won't run muchbafterwards. Kind of a shame for them prsonally, all for the ratings…