I noticed a little nausea in the pool on Wednesday morning, but I just thought it was because I was swimming hard.
The workout, from Run Less Run Faster:
50 free warm up
3x this set: 25 easy, 25 fast; 50 easy, 50 fast; 75 easy, 75 fast; 50 easy, 50 fast; 25 easy, 25 fast
150 cool down
Even though, I’d felt sort of nauseous while swimming, when I finished I was HUNGRY.
As the day progressed, however, I started noticing how tired I felt and that my throat was scratchy. By the time I got home, I knew I’d picked up Mr. T’s cold. That night, the nausea hit me hard. I finally caved and went to bed. But Thursday, I was still feeling nauseous and tired and my throat was on fire. There would be no tempo run. I had no energy — I could barely lift my arms to type. Plus, any time I ate more than Saltines, my stomach would revolt. I had to cancel my Friday swimming date with Chelsea (Will Run for Food). I had no idea if I would be well enough to be swimming. Plus, I’d rather not spread my disease.
Friday, I did feel better, but I was still sick. My throat still hurt and my energy was still a bit low. At least I was’t nauseous anymore.
Saturday, I felt well enough to try a run. I was supposed to do 7 miles at an 8:43 pace. But Mr. T also had a poker tournament with his fraternity brothers to get to. Since I’d slept in (rare!), I had just under an hour to run. I decided I would be happy with 6, and I would see how I felt to determine my pace.
And since I didn’t have time to drive anywhere, I settled for the trail that’s practically out my front door. I say “settled” because of the elevation: it starts out at about 600 feet and goes gradually down. My turn-around on Saturday was at about 400 feet, and so I had to climb 200 feet over three miles — a sloooooow incline that can wear on you because you can’t really see it and don’t understand why you’re going to slow (even if you know it’s there).
But when I was running on Saturday, I really noticed how beautiful the trail is and how lucky I am to have it so close to my house. My ankles didn’t even hurt from the loose gravel since it’s starting to get packed down more now. But the trail also brings trouble-makers. Unfortunately, criminals use it to access neighborhoods at night, and break in to houses. During the day, though, and especially on the weekends, it’s mostly bikers, hikers and runners on the trail. Still, I brought my pepper spray on Saturday.
I ran all the way down to where the trail meets the Cedar River Trail, then turned around and ran back. I took advantage of the elevation loss on the way out to try and bank time, and on the way back, I decided it would be great if I could keep my time under a 9-minute overall average pace:
1: 8:52
2: 8:35
3: 8:50
4: 9:02
5: 9:03
6: 9:12
Total: 6 miles in 53:41 with an average pace of 8:56
I got home, saw Mr. T off, then showered and T Junior and I went to McDonald’s so he could get some exercise at the Play Land, and I could get some writing done. It’s been so cold and rainy lately. After that, we went to the outlets, and I got a couple new things at the Under Armour and Nike outlets.
Sunday, it was cold and even snowing, and I was still not feeling 100%. A brick was not happening. A trip to Costco was, though. After we got home, T Junior said he’d do a workout video with me. So, we did Jillian Michaels’s 30-Day Shred Level 1 (he picked it over Yoga Meltdown). He especially likes the punches. He said we were punching “Darf Vader.” Afterward, he wanted to go for a run, so we went out for a “hike” on the trail. He ran a little and made me run a little, too. He’s a good coach.
Today, Monday, I’m feeling mostly me again. My ears, though, are still a little plugged. And I did something to my shoulder — I tossed and turned all night because of a sharp pain in it. I think it’s going away, though. Day care is closed today, so me and T Junior will workout together.
Here’s the plan for this week:
Monday: Bike ride with T Junior, and strength
Tuesday: Track repeats on the road near work
Wednesday: Swimming and strength
Thursday: Tempo run
Friday: Bike then run brick, and strength
Saturday: Long run
Sunday: Jillian video or ?
Glad you’re feeling better! Being sick is no fun!
I hope you’re 100% better now, and on the mend! Is it safe to run that trail alone? I pretty much worry about any “trails” alone, somehow at least being on the streets seems safer.
I’m sorry it was a rough week & hope you are feeling better by tomorrow’s track workout. I have a mini cold now, heading to bed to hopefully kick it off. Love that T Jr likes to be active with you!
BOO! My fam has been hit hard with a chest cold. It hung around for 2 weeks, I hope you’re feel better. Good job taking care of yourself.
glad you are feeling better!