I decided since I’m training for something now, that I might try to recap my training each Sunday. Besides, I find it helpful to go back and assess what I did during the week.
The first thing I learned about this week (1/21-1/27/13), is that I thought I took two rest days, which I only have one scheduled right now. But looking back, I see that I rode the bike on Monday. So, I worked out, but not the workout that I was supposed to do. Then, on Thursday night, I felt so exhausted that I blew off getting up early Friday to go swim. The public pool is only open 5:30-7 a.m. or 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. on Friday, and I had made plans for the middle of the day with a friend. Hopefully, I will be able to get a better pool situation going soon–one where I can swim any time instead of being restricted to ridiculous hours.
So, yeah. Oops. Here we go:
Scheduled: Stretch/strength 30-45 minutes
What I Did: 30 minutes on the bike trainer for 5.75 miles (11.5 mph)
Okay, so technically I have a work out on this day–stretching and strengthening–and it’s not really a complete rest day like I said above. My arms (elbows? WTF?) were sore from riding my bike outside on Saturday (my brakes are so hard to squeeze!) and my knee was a little sore from falling off the bike. Duhr. So I decided to “rest.” Anyway, I was feeling a little bummed out, so I rode the trainer and actually it helped lift my mood. Mondays bum me out even though I don’t work Mondays.
Maybe it’s ’cause everyone’s back to work and maybe I feel a little left behind, even though I know it’s good to be home with my little boy who won’t be little forever, and now I’m thinking about how he’s growing up and I’m sad…let’s move on to Tuesday.
Scheduled: 4 miles at whatever pace I want
What I Did: 3.23 miles at a 9:33 pace
I turned lap pace off of my watch and just ran. I felt a little sluggish. I was also disgusted since there was poop all over the trail near work. I think there are coyotes “paroling” the wetland area. 🙁 I hope they don’t get any of the ducks because they are so cute diving in the creek with their little feather butts up in the air.
Scheduled: 45 minutes on the trainer with cadence at 95
What I Did: 45 minutes on the bike trainer for 8.19 miles (10.9 mph)
I didn’t sleep well Monday night. And I didn’t sleep well Tuesday night. I woke up at 4 Wednesday and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I just got up to do my work out. I played with the gears on my bike to try to keep my cadence at 95. I hadn’t really ever tried to ride with cadence in mind, so this was interesting.
Scheduled: 3 miles at whatever pace I want
What I Did: 4 miles with 2 miles of speed work in the middle; 30 minutes on the bike trainer for 4 miles (8 mph)
I felt like pushing myself a little, and I wanted to do 4 miles since I only did 3 on Tuesday. The workout: 1 mile warm up, then 4x.25 at a fast pace with .25 rest intervals at an easy pace, then a mile cool down. I still had the lap pace turned off on my watch, but I could see my overall pace and since I restarted the lap each .25 mile, I could cheat and look at the pace if I wanted to. But I really tried hard to just look at the distance and not the pace, and just run “hard.” My repeats were: 7:30, 7:32, 7:20 and 7:50. I died at the end.
Scheduled: 1,600 yards in the pool
What I Did: Lunch with a friend; bought skinny jeans at Express; coffee/hot cocoa date with Karsen; grocery shopping; cleaned out refrigerator
Scheduled: 50 minutes with the cadence at 100 RPMs
What I Did: 60 minutes, with 50 minutes of that at 100 RPMs for 13.6 miles
I warmed up for about 7 minutes. My legs were creaky when I got on the bike just before 7 a.m. Luckily (or unluckily), I had Victoria Azarenka’s squeals to keep me entertained as the Tennis Channel was reshowing the final between her and Li Na. I understand some grunting, but to scream every time? Even on little dinks over the net? Seems excessive, but hey, she won, so obviously she’s onto something.
After a warm up, I got my legs going. I kept the bike in an easier gear for about 10 minutes till I had the feel for 100 RPMs. Then I switched into a middle gear that was more challenging and held it there for what seemed like forever. I liked this gear, though, because I liked seeing my speed increase to 15-16 mph. (I can’t help it. I like to go fast.)
The sweat! So. Much. Sweat. I needed a towel and a water bottle, but didn’t want to stop to get one for fear that I wouldn’t be able to get my legs going again. I knew they would feel like jelly when I finished. My hands got pruney because they were soaked with sweat for so long.
For 5 or so minutes toward the end, I switched back to the easier gear, and then slowed it down for several minutes before stopping.
What a workout! I’m loving the bike…with a few exceptions. Should my elbows hurt? Is it possible my handlebars are too far in front of me? And, this I already knew, but dang…I need a better seat.
That night, I streamed Spirit of the Marathon on Netflix. It made me think about what running has done for me: I have running to thank for some amazing friends, for better health (physically and mentally), and for increased confidence. I also especially enjoyed watching the segments about Deena Kastor. (Side note: Looks like Deena’s going to run the LA Marathon in March. I wish more marathons were televised.)
Scheduled: 5 miles at a “conversational” pace
What I Did: 3 miles at a “conversational” pace; 2 miles at a harder effort

I am trying to run more by feel these days–especially since I’m simply working on building up my mileage. So, long runs are being done at a “conversational” pace, and I’m throwing in some speed during the week (a harder, can only-talk-in-fragments effort) just so I don’t lose the feel for going faster. I hope this method helps to keep me from getting hurt. Here is a great article about it by Jenny Hadfield: Do I Base Race Pace Workouts on PR Pace or Goal Pace?
So today, I turned the pace completely off of my watch: just overall time and distance. I ran on my favorite trail that is a combo of dirt and gravel. The way away from my house is downhill slightly; they way back, of course, is uphill slightly. No music–just the rhythm of my shoes crunching on the trail.
I do not like “slogging” through miles. I like the miles to have a purpose. Last week, when I did six miles at a slower pace, I was so bored! This week, mixed it up. Here’s how it went:
Mile 1: East on the trail toward the road where the dirt trail ends–it’s about a quarter mile–then back westward going slightly downhill. Stopped at .9 to stretch calves, hamstrings and hips. Avg. pace: 9:41
Mile 2: Still going westward/slightly downhill. Felt effortless; focused on form. Avg. pace: 8:53
Mile 3: Still going slightly downill. Increased effort. Talked to myself a few times to see if I could still talk in spurts at least. Passed a newish looking runner coming toward me. I saw quite a few runners already, but since she seemed new (judging based on clothes and form, so I could be wrong), I made an extra point of smiling big and waving. Turned halfway into the mile and headed up toward home. Avg. pace: 8:27
Mile 4: Now going slightly uphill/eastward, so the effort seemed much harder and I had to take it down a notch. Continued to occasionally whisper/talk to myself. Enjoyed the view of the lake and passed the newish runner from behind, nodding as I went by. Avg. pace: 8:58
Mile 5: Slowed it down and focused on form again. All the way back up to the road where the dirt ends to turn around. A faster dude that had passed me earlier was coming back from his turnaround point across the road, and he passed me again. I tried to match his easy stride, but his strides were much longer than mine and I was trying to keep my effort in check so I let him go. We both passed the “newish” runner again. I smiled and waved, and she said, “Would you stop passing me?!” while laughing. I laughed and told her she was doing awesome. (I sort of wanted to turn around and run with her because I am missing my running buddies, but I had to get home.) Avg. pace: 9:46
Big THANK YOU to Erika for helping me figure out how to fit swimming and biking into my week, and giving me some work outs!
Thanks for reading! If you have any answers to my questions or questions to ask, I’d love it if you left a comment. Happy training!
Love your mile/mile recap. I can never remember each mile – they all blur together for me.
I definitely remember better when I don’t wear music. Man, I can think of 100’s of things I left out, too. But my posts are long enough already!
Great week! Keep the good work – you’re well on your way 🙂