It’s raining, it’s pouring, and all I feel like doing is snoring. Except I don’t snore*. It’s just that it rhymed with “pouring.”
Winter running is getting me down a little bit. My training program hasn’t started yet for NODM and the treadmill is not very exciting. It’s dark and cold. I feel slow and fat.
I had a few minutes to kill the other day and I’d already read all the latest posts on my blogroll, so I dug into my Mom vs. Marathon archives.
I started with the first one back on July 18, 2009, and it didn’t take me long to realize how far I’ve come, from having to walk and jog in only 20 minutes to running a half marathon four short months later – all 2 hours and 25 minutes of it.
It made me feel better. I remembered that what I’m doing is good for me – inside and out.
Have you read your old posts lately? How far have you come?
*In my world, I look like a Disney princess when I sleep.
I feel the same way on the treadmill – slow and fat! LOL I need to re-read my posts..maybe it will make me feel better too!
At least you are feeling slow & fat on the treadmill… it can't be all true. I have been feeling slow & fat on the couch & am beginning to feel like it might actually prove true once I jump on the treadmill or yikes, the scale!
I read the race recap for my first-ever race, a 5K back in June of 08. It was both painful and encouraging. I was such a novice back then, didn't know what I was doing, didn't know what running was really all about yet there I was tackling my first-ever race, taking a huge step towards becoming the runner and person I am today.I rarely read any of my old stuff, whether it's on the blog or stuff I get paid to write about. Honestly, I think it's because I'm afraid that I'll see some horrible mistake that I didn't catch and that the desk didn't catch, and then I'll feel guilty and stupid and moronic and it'll just drag my spirits down and then I'll be upset and I won't be able to function and… okay, maybe not, but I do think that since I'm afraid to spot a mistake waaaay after the fact that I don't go back and read a lot of my old stuff.
I went back and read my old stuff the other day. It was really cool to see how far I've come!
I refer to my old posts quite often. In fact, a couple month ago, I was having a difficult time getting motivated, so I went back to some of my first posts to see that I had improved dramatically! That was all it took.