You guys! I’m doing something new. I’m trying a video blog (AKA a vlog, I think). It’s super scary, but thought it might be fun to change things up every once in a while.
Please excuse my eye bags–I put on a little bit of makeup to try not to look so washed out in the video, but it’s just a dusting! LOL!
Also, Sunday hair. That is all.
In the video, I talk about my results for Week 1 of the Metabolic Prime 12-Week Challenge. I discuss what I might’ve done right and/or wrong with my nutrition, and I also share a recipe for “craving cocoa,” which I love.
I hope you guys like it–it’s a little long (10 min.). In the future, I will keep it shorter, but since it’s the first one, I’m just figuring things out. I actually really like being able to “talk” to you guys.
Please let me know what you think about the video in the comments. I really appreciate your feedback!
Happy Sunday and let’s all have a great week in our fitness journeys!
Hi, I just saw your post about hallux limitus. I am a runner and have that same condition. i ran all through the long cold winter so i would be in shape for the spring season, and now i’m facing no running at all because of the pain in my big toe has gotten so bad (although I do tend to ignore the pain as much as i can, and run anyway). i had a cortisone shot a couple of months ago, but the relief didn’t last long. i was just wondering how you took care of your pain… did you get a shot? did it work? did you need surgery?
please feel free to email me privately. Thank you so much!!!
Hi Margie! I will send you an email, but also in case anyoe else is wondering…Jay Dicharry’s book Anatomy for Runners really helped me!