I haven’t been around for a while, and I’m feeling a little vulnerable right now writing this post. I haven’t been around because, along with work and laundry and making…
I’m not a Millennial, so I thought I would hate Snapchat. Turns out, I’ve been missing it all this time! Here is why I love Snapchat: Awesome filters. Sometimes I…
Do you ever have times, days, weeks, months (years!), where you feel like you are just totally and completely lost in one area of your life? You’ve been driving along…
You guys, I’m staying the course. The water is deep, cold and unforgiving…wait that’s for another blog. This fat loss thing is a journey. I’m late in posting this, but nothing too exciting…
Which of the following things would you do instead of run on the treadmill? A. Clean toilets. B. Watch a live-action Alvin and the Chipmunks movie marathon. C. Literally die.…
I wanted to be a graphic designer in college. I was very into the Grateful Dead at the time. I always wore my beaded hemp choker and I never blow-dried…
Guys. Some stuff happened this week. 1. A new, improved web address: Momvsmarathon.com At long last I ditched the “sanitydepartment” part of my web address. Whew! It’s just: www.habitpoweredliving.com. Hooray!…
I don’t hate running, you guys. I love running. But sometimes I think people, including me, run for the wrong reasons. We should run because we love it. Because we…